How Quickly & How Often Do You Follow Up Your Potential Clients!

Hey there

I trust you’ve had a productive and fulfilling day.

Today I want to ask you a question, I ask all my coaching clients.

“How Quickly & How Often Do You Follow Up Potential Clients”

As a sales coach I never run out of people who consistently want to know the best strategies for boosting their sales and increasing their bottom line

They are eager and motivated to discover new advanced strategies for getting potential clients interested in their product or services

Well have got good news for you today which will encourage you.

You see people do not like to be sold to. They like to feel they made a buying decision, and that is because people buy emotionally and then look for logic to justify their buying decisions

Now with that said, your focus should be the bigger picture, not a slice of the pie

You see it has been statistically proven that, 90 percent of sales are made between the 7th attempt and the 12th attempt of communicating the value of your product or services to your potential or existing clients

The million dollar question that might be floating through your mind right now is this

So what do I do if a potential client does not buy from me immediately? The good news is that there something you can do.

1, Your focus must be to educate your client about brand or company, and add value to them

Don’t focus on making the sale, become a resource for your client or customers by adding value.

Most sales professionals and business owners move on once they fail to get a potential client to do business them.

Their mindset is you win some you, loose some which definitely has some truth in it but let’s flip that the other way around

“What if you could minimise your loss and increase your WINS?

The key to doing just that is in the follow up process.

Remember people like to do business with people they feel like they know, like, and trust.

So why should you follow up all your potential client? Well it gives you an opportunity to add more value to them whilst building a client to business relationship with them

In closing I want you to focus on following up your clients and adding more value to them and I promise you the money will follow

Remember this: Money always follow value

Wishing you success


Seyi (The Sales Conversion Expert)