How To Focus On Selling Benefits Not Features

Hey, how you doing today?


Today I wanft to share something with you that will help you to start generating more sales in your business if you apply.

You see as an entrepreneur you must constantly remind your self of the purpose of your business.

Your business exist to solve your customers problems and in the process add value to them.

One of the biggest mistakes  a lot of sales professionals and business owners are making as to do with the focus on selling mainly the features of their product or services.

You hear things like,

” By subscribing to our service, we will deliver you the product in a nice glossy folder

“When you buy today you will get the hard cover and the paper back version of the book” etc

Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in informing you customers about how their product or service will be delivered.

The important thing to remember is this:

Features of your product or services, must not be be the central message of your sales pitch or your invitation for them to buy.

Your customers are only interested in one thing.


That is, “How is your product or service going to benefit me?”

“Why should I buy your product or services”

Features do not convince your customers to buy, it only tells them how the product will be delivered, etc

Benefits on the other hand is what will compel them to buy, because when you focus on selling “Benefits” it shows and teaches them how they can benefit from using your product or services, which satisfies their  W.I.I.I.F.M


In case you wondering what W.I.I.F.M means. Below is an explanation.

W: What

I:    Is

I:   In

I:   It

F:  For

M: Me

Would you like me to show you how you can apply this in your business in order to turbo boost your sales quickly? If you’ve answered YES, then all you have to do is book a “Close More Sales” strategy session with me TODAY! by clicking the link below.

We only have a few more slots this week, so don’t leave it to the last minute. Go ahead and book your “Close More Sales” strategy session with me TODAY!