How To Sell Without Being Pushy!

Marketing your products online as a pushy salesperson will not get you far. Instead try to be a smart friend using these simple steps that allow you to be the expert and go-to person without having to user pressure or scarcity tactics.



Help people solve their problems. Use your blog, social media and other resources to offer guidance and assistance. Remember: you are the smart friend who is helpful and resourceful, not a pushy salesperson.


Let them know you understand them. People want to be listened to and understood, not sold to. Seek to dig deeper into their motives and emotions, and use language that speaks to those emotions.


Tell them you are on their side. Just letting people know that you are on their side, and are interested in helping them, even at the cost of nothing in return is reassuring to them. Not every single person you help will turn into a paying customer, but you can turn their frowns into smiles, by letting them know that they are not alone.


Educate them and guide them through their options. Whatever product or service you are selling, make sure that you educate possible clients in what to look for. Offer free guides, books, resources, and videos that help people go through the research phase. Chances are high that they may come to your for more guidance. Make sure that you compare the other options that they have, to what you offer. This saves them time and builds value on your end.


Recommend and encourage without being pushy. Recommend your product or service as the best possible solution, and tell them why they should buy from you now. Be careful not to use sales scarcity tactics and other ways of manipulation, as people can see right through that.


Let people know how to contact you. Offer people many ways to contact you: on your website, through social media, email, phone number, and whatever ways you can be reached. Tell them how you can best be reached if they have further questions or objections, or maybe even comments.


Be available to quickly answer any questions. When you get a question or comment, try your very best to respond quickly. This makes it more likely that they are still interested in your product or service, and that they haven’t forgotten about it and have gone about their day.


Create email templates for frequently asked questions. If people keep asking you the same question, and you are replying with a new e-mail each time, it can be very time consuming. If you are able to publish these questions online, it may be a good idea in order to help reduce the number of emails that you receive with the same questions over and over. If you want the questions to keep coming in, try to write out possible responses to repetitive answers.

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