Why You Must Build Trust With Your Clients

It is a well known fact that people only buy from people they feel like they know, like, and trust.

No one likes to be sold to, but people love to buy.

People buy emotionally and then look for logic to justify their buying decision. That is why TRUST is so crucial if you want to improve your sales.

You might have a great product or service, but that is not enough requirement for your potential customer to buy from you.

You might be an expert in your field, but that is still not enough for potential clients or customers to commit to a purchase.

People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.

To build trust with your customers, you need to demonstrate on a consistent basis that you care about their needs, you care about the solution they seek and you care enough to take the time to explain and demonstrate how your product or service is or can be the solution they need.

Building trust requires you not to be a hard sales person who is, only interested in the numbers and how many people he/she can close and as quickly as possible.

People have a sixth sense for spotting salesperson who only cares about their wallet.

Your ability to build trust with your customer will either make or break your business because people talk and recommend.

Again it comes back down to the 20percent rule. 20% what you do will always give you 80percent of your results.

If you would like to know how you can apply this in your business effectively without being a pushy sales person, all you need to do is apply for a Close More Sales Strategy Session with me Today.

Once you’ve applied, I will call you to discuss the various options are available to you, and help you identify your obstacles

All you have to do is visit https://seicoaching.acuity.acuityscheduling.com

Don’t leave it to the last minute as we only have a few spot left

To Your Success

Seyi (The Sales Conversion Expert)