How To Improve Your Company’s Sales Force & Increase Your Sales

How consistent are you during the sales process? Do you stutter and lose focus at the appearance of an objection from a client, or do you rather see it as an opportunity to educate them on your value? Consistency must be your watch word if you desire to improve your sales. Your clients or customers,…


How To Improve Your Sales Closing Rate

Hey there, I just want to share some tips on how to improve your ability to close “More Sales” Which is something most sales professionals, business owners, consultants don’t know. You see there are several reasons why consultants ultimately lose deals they should have won. Some of the reason why consultants lose contracts is because…


5 Power Words For Closing More Sales

Awesome photos, catchy videos, and fancy graphics are helpful, but the most important thing where sales are concerned are the words you use. Why? Words build relationships. People buy from people. Words can also guide your approach to sales, because attitudes are often based on words. Change just one word and you can sometimes change…


7 Things To Avoid Saying When Selling

Here are seven things not to say in sales or business: 1. “That’s not my department.” You must take responsibility for everything, whether it’s in sales or your personal life. Don’t blame the economy, don’t blame other people, and don’t blame any external conditions, because blaming is something you do to become a slave. The…


How To Build Customer Trust

Customers don’t buy from people they don’t trust. Unfortunately, most sales gurus (including some that are quite famous) define selling as “convincing,” “persuading,” and “winning”–presumably with the customer being the convinced, persuaded loser. No wonder so many people put up a barrier the minute somebody tries to sell them something! Fortunately, it’s easy to build…


3 Sales Closing Techniques, and Why They Work

e   Closing. The make or break moment in sales. The final verdict that determines whether or not your efforts will amount to anything at all. It’s natural to feel apprehensive about it at first. However, were it not for that feeling of danger, there wouldn’t be so satisfying a thrill upon successfully closing a sale —…


5 of the BEST Sales Tips Eve

Recently I was talking to a group of college students regarding a sales career and they asked me what I thought were the best sales tips I’ve ever heard. Here is what I said: 1. It’s not what you say; It’s what your customer believes. You can have the best sales presentation in the world,…


5 Effective Ideas For Closing Sales Deals

A deal usually has several parts: the hatching of the idea by one party, then its conceptual embrace by the other side, and finally – the closing. The first two phases of a transaction or sales cycle are much easier than the last in most cases. Sealing a deal – because of the prospect that…


The 12 Commandments For Closing More Sales!!

Like any game there are rules to selling, especially when it comes to closing a sale. To ensure sales success in your business, whether you’re a startup or an established entrepreneur, here are a dozen of my best commandments for sealing the deal. 1. Remain seated. The saying goes, present the product, service or idea…


5 Tips That Will Help You Close More Sales

1. It’s not what you say; It’s what your customer believes. You can have the best sales presentation in the world, but if the customer doesn’t believe your proposition, then you don’t have a chance.  Take the time to engage with the customer. Ask them questions and let them tell you their wants and needs. …


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